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For the purposes of recording mediation history on the Clerksroom website (and for no other purpose), the following definitions of mediation outcomes apply:

“Settled” - means that the Parties reached an Agreement which resolved all issues in Dispute;

“Not Settled” - means that the Parties did not reach an Agreement which resolved either all or part of the issues in Dispute;

“Part Settled” - means that the Parties reached an Agreement which resolved some, but not all, of the issues in Dispute;

“Adjourned” - means that the Parties agreed to adjourn the mediation, either “Not Settled” or “Part Settled”, to a further date.



“Agreement” - means any agreement between the Parties reached during the mediation whether binding or non-binding;

“Dispute” - means the disputed issue or issues between the Parties forming the subject-matter of the mediation;

“Parties” - means the parties to the mediation.

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